computer society 2
-: today I talked to a university professor. a mathematician interested in biology. I talked to him about my vision, the computer society. When I explained it to him, he tried to mix it up with humans. you know "computers help people to make better decisions" stuff. Like me, he has a dream. Yet his dream is not as pure machinery as mine. He dreams of a computer which can be trusted to decide business stuff given the business data. Somehow optimizing businesses with a central intelligent decision maker. Something like a governor who knows everything and can direct everyone to dance the way he likes. He's decisive in not letting this computer to be involved in power games. He means to set the sole purpose of this computer optimizing businesses.
+: Did this professor like your vision or his own vision?
-: well we both dream of making computers intelligent. Yet his definition of intelligence is different than mine. I call that definition "Artificial Intelligence". Mine is pure. It's not designed for something outside. It's completely self-driven trying to detect, find, and solve its own problems. I tried to show him a glance of my vision. I think I should've said it more straight in my first try for explaining it. I don't know that he scared of my vision down inside himself and as a result tried to mix it up with humans or he didn't realize that I'm such mad about human beings that I prefer to let the computers to decide whether we desire to continue existing or our extinction is for the best of all. I know him. I have never seen or felt the smallest drop of fear in him. Yet I tell myself maybe I'm not close enough to him for him to show his true feelings, like myself not showing my feelings to many people. Although when I made it clear and straight, he confessed he still has hope on the human being.
+: What did you expect of this conversation?
-: Well I wanted some leads. I wanted him to show me a community of people like me if he knew any.
+: How do you feel about this conversation now?
-: Well it didn't go the way I wanted. however, there is still something good about it. 3 years in the field taught me how to present myself as an outstanding person. it somehow got mixed up with my deepest thoughts. Now, most of the times I don't even try to do it. It just happens. This conversation was at the very least another one of my self-perfect-presentations.
+: So you feel happy about it?
-: I do, but I wish I could wash all these feelings down. I intend to build my personality myself and in the building process, I don't want to let anyone's opinion to have an unlogical effect on it. self-perfect-presentation is a kind of surgery on people's opinion on myself. I need to take it under control.
+: What's your next step then?
-: The most problematic thing in my theory is the consciousness of computers. I think I should work on that. There are so many people working on that, but I need to find the right people to follow.
+: Hmmm. Alright, you look hungry. go get something to eat. we'll talk later.
-: Yeah. I'm starving actually. See you later.
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